Okay, so I’m realizing I eat late night snacks out of habit. I was pregnant for just about 2 years straight and always needed to eat something before bed due to really bad upset stomach or I couldn’t sleep. So for two years I formed this habit.

On the way to bed I stood in the kitchen and literally had to fight with my brain to shut up and that I didn’t need it. I’m realizing that this challenge is going to be more mental than anything for me!

As I’ve been getting ready for this challenge over the last few days my oldest daughter has been really interested in the process. My husband measured me, weighed me and found me wanting… to be skinnier. (Bonus points to the people who know the movie reference.) But then every day my Punkin’ get’s up she comes down for breakfast and says, “Are we exercising mommy?” I have a little built in cheerleader.

Who would of thought you could pull strength from a child who is almost 4. I always tell everyone she is my little helper and she is my second set of hands. She has such a strong desire to serve. God has been so good to me by giving me this little joy.

Night all!



So my Beach Body Coach just posted a mini challenge… It’s more like a huge poo-poo for me. The 9 wk challenge starts Monday and I thought “YAY I can splurge this weekend right before and get it out of my system.” But we can earn 10 bonus points IF we don’t. If we take a picture of the food post it then explain why we feel like we need it they can help us through it. Honestly I’m not happy about it, BUT I’m going to do it. It’s only to my benefit and getting me into the right mindset. I can see now that my BBC is really going to be dropping the ax on me. ^_^

I asked God for help and she’s here, so now I’ve got to buckle down and get to it. Wish me luck!!


First steps to healthy

Posted: March 21, 2013 in Weight Loss
My start... again.

My start… again.

So here I go again. Trying to loose the weight. We’re are not having anymore kiddos so this should be the last redo. I will be working with a Beach Body Coach to keep me not only motivated but accountable this time. We start our fitness group on March 25th! I’ve got to do this for not only my health but the future of my kids. I need to be here for them and to make sure they have a great role model for healthy living.

Be Blessed


Hello Dearest Readers!

To simplify my life I have decided to combine my blogs into place. Due to the current setup that Blogger(Blogspot) uses I need to make the new blog with a different host so I have chosen WordPress. I do hope you will continue to follow me here through either RSS or direct email notification. 🙂

This will be one blog describing my weightloss journey and life as a mom with four kids and how I survive.

